If My tomorrow never comes…
If My tomorrow never comes‘I M sorry’ for all the Th¡ngs ¡ might have Sa¡d‘I M sorry’ for all the Th¡ngs ¡ did Or didn,T Do‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever ¡gnored you‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever made you feel bad Or put you down‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever thought ¡ was bigger […]
2b come 1 = LOVE
Love is bold, Love is pure, Love is strong, Love is some thing hard to hold, Love is beautiful if you know hot to share it!!! <3 2b come 1 = LOVE
Night is a wonderful opportunity
Night is a wonderful opportunityto take rest,to forgive,to dream,to smile andto get ready for all the battlethat you have to fight tomorrow. Good Night.
The stars are out, The moon is up,
The stars are out,The moon is up, 1 more Hug,1 more smile,
Don’t ever give up when u r down
Don’t ever give up when u r down, it doesn’t matter if u fall many times, just remember that each time u fall, i’ll never let u reach the ground, trust me, i will always be around. Good Night
Good Night
G-o to bedO-ff the lightsO-ut of tensionsD-reams come
I’m sending a pillow of happy thoughts
I’m sending a pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of care to comfort you all night and A prayer to protect until morning. GOOD NIGHT!! SLEEP TIGHT!!
Another day ends
Another day ends and we look forward 2 a new day with great anticipation. But a true friendship never ends whatever the passage of time. Good Night dear friend.
A bed of clouds for U to sleep
A bed of clouds for U to sleep, Diamond stars as ur bedside lamp,Angels from heaven singing lullabies for U,May u sleep peacefully thru out the night. “Good Night”
Sweet Dreams airline
Welcome aboard to “Sweet Dreams” airline,All passengers on bed hug ur pillows,As the flight will be leaving soon to dream land.Enjoy your time…”Good night”